Sunday, March 21, 2010

Irresistibly Forbidden

"I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing"-Aerosmith
"Last Train Home"-Ryan Star

1. The night before the Halloween of 2009, I was dragged to a friends party. I hadn't wanted to go, dreading the thought of standing awkwardly in a group of people whom I was a stranger too. I mean, who would want to spend their night like that? But nevertheless I was convinced, "What are you doing tonight?" Josh pressed. I told him that I'd probably sit at home watching depressing movies. "Come to my party!" He'd promised he wouldn't leave me alone if I went. So of course I went, I needed to get my mind of some things anyway.
Now lets fast forward a bit. I got to the party and for the first half I got to know a few kids my age, but the next half I was playing pool with a bunch of drunk twenty year old's. Yes, there might of been a little booze in my Monster too. Though don't worry my head was for the most part together. The story really begins with the fact that my sixteen year old best friend Austin ditched me as my pool partner. So who takes his place? An attractive guy that made me laugh way too much.
"I'm Willy." He flashed me an enchanting smile. Showing a row of perfectly straight, and pearly white teeth. I returned him a shy smile and introduced myself as well.
~to be continued~
I'm not going to lie,Willy and I kicked ass at pool together.

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